• Ramblings

    Let’s Find out Where It Goes

    About two years ago we bought a sewing machine because I wanted to make a small curtain for Wicket’s bed area. She was used to sleeping in her cage at night, but I was tired of the bulky thing right by the bed. Our bedroom is very small. We have a queen bed and a side table, and that’s it. In fact, there wasn’t room for a dresser, so we had to stuff it in the closet. A large dog crate was just in the way. However, she seemed to enjoy the cubby feel of the crate, and I didn’t want to take that away from her. In the end,…

  • Food,  Ramblings

    This Is Life

    Levee has started her spring shedding. It doesn’t matter that I vacuum every day; I cannot keep up with her hair clods. They explode off her like a wet mogwai popping off hairball babies. We tried açaí, both in bowl form as well as juice. I’m convinced it’s a mass joke. Before this I’d have had difficulty naming a food I didn’t like. Sure, there are foods I don’t prefer, but very few I truly dislike. Açaí has, without any doubt whatsoever, become the food I dislike. I’d describe its flavor as fermented berries or “eww.” I wasn’t sure if maybe our açaí bowl packets had somehow gone off, but then…

  • Ramblings

    These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

    Here are a few of my favorite items from this year. Not everything was purchased in 2018, but everything on this list was used frequently and adored this year. There is no particular order to this list. I’m sorry there are only twelve items. I was going to do eighteen, but I have commitment issues. I’ve tried to link the company sites whenever possible. If a product is no longer available, such as the Fitbit Charge 2, I’ll link it on Amazon. I have not linked to the lowest price available online. If you’re interested in an item, please search for it wherever you prefer to shop. Once again, there…

  • Ramblings

    Shipshape and Bristol Fashion

    Our water here in Montana is extremely hard. I heard a commercial on the radio the other day and don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure the guy said water in Montana is 50,000% harder than the national average. Give or take. If we forget to replenish the salt in the softener, all our dishes will have a layer of film, resulting in a beautiful sea glass effect. It also covers the sinks, tub/showers, and anything it splashes onto with that same gorgeous frosted muck. The softener helps with the calcium deposits, but it leaves its own mess behind. Stalagmites of salt build up around faucets, hand towels…

  • Holidays,  Ramblings

    It’s the Hap-Happiest Season of All

    I have a confession. I’ve already started decorating for Christmas. I don’t think I’ve ever decorated for Christmas before. We’ve had trees, of course, the doodads we painted, and outside lights, but I’ve never filled our rooms with themed things. For me, it’s just stuff I’ll have to dust, and I abhor dusting. But this year has been different. The moment Halloween was over, I started to get excited about Christmas. I know Thanksgiving is in there, but since food has shifted for us, and family is too far away to be with, Thanksgiving is more vacation time than holiday time. Plus, while I am looking forward to the cozy, sparkle-filled look…