• Food,  Geocaching,  Places,  Ramblings

    And Now You Are Wearing the Right Hat

    We hadn’t returned to our favored campsite in Ten Sleep, Wyoming for five years, despite planning to go every summer — multiple times a summer, no less. A week or two ago I suggested we head that way, kind of in an off-hand way, the way I might suggest we hike the Appalachian Trail or start a dandelion farm. However, Brian ran with the idea, and so we went. We are both in much better shape than we were five years ago. Instead of hanging out in the tent, watching Duck Dynasty on the laptop, and drinking whiskey while we watch coyotes hop around nearby, we decided to go out…

  • Health & Fitness,  Ramblings

    This Surely Isn’t Any Mystery

    I don’t use Facebook very often. I have a few family members as friends and a few groups I’m a part of, but mostly I don’t care about other people’s breakfasts or how they feel about hot-button issues. There is a song, Carnivore, by Starset, that says, “No one needs to hear your words,” and that line runs through my head 96% of the time I’m browsing social media. Recently I’ve found myself getting incredibly frustrated with people in the aforementioned groups. While perhaps well-meaning, the responses to requests are never in line with what’s been asked. One group I was a part of was for healthy eating. I don’t…

  • Food,  Health & Fitness,  Ramblings

    It Won’t Do You No Good

    I have a horrible reaction to sodium. I have, since I was about twenty, ballooned when consuming too much for the day or just too much at one time. I don’t know if this is some medical issue or just my body’s quirky way of telling me I don’t need the salt, but since I can control this reaction by simply avoiding unnecessary sodium, I don’t mind not paying $650 to have someone tell me it’s a medical condition which can be controlled by not consuming salt. So, annoyed at not being able to wear my wedding rings, having sock indents around my calves, and feeling at times as though…

  • Food,  Ramblings

    This Is Life

    Levee has started her spring shedding. It doesn’t matter that I vacuum every day; I cannot keep up with her hair clods. They explode off her like a wet mogwai popping off hairball babies. We tried açaí, both in bowl form as well as juice. I’m convinced it’s a mass joke. Before this I’d have had difficulty naming a food I didn’t like. Sure, there are foods I don’t prefer, but very few I truly dislike. Açaí has, without any doubt whatsoever, become the food I dislike. I’d describe its flavor as fermented berries or “eww.” I wasn’t sure if maybe our açaí bowl packets had somehow gone off, but then…

  • Food,  Health & Fitness,  Ramblings,  Recipes

    I’ve Got My Eye on the Prize

    I mentioned in a recent post that I wanted to become more informed about nutrition. I didn’t want to simply follow whatever random information people were pushing. I wanted to know what we needed, why, and how to best obtain those things. I mentioned looking into classes and books, and I finally settled on Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies by Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney. There is a newer version available (January 1, 2019) but it’s twice the price, though it doubtfully offers twice the information or any groundbreaking difference in nutritional facts. The second book I’ll be reading is Nutrition: An Applied Approach by Janice J. Thompson, Melinda Manore. I can only…