• Ramblings,  Reviews

    A White Knuckle Wind Blows Strong

    We bought our original tent, the one you see in the picture here, back in 2011. It’s … uh … Eagles Nest? I can’t remember. We bought it with the intention of camping somewhere in Wisconsin or Minnesota, which were both fairly quick jaunts, if four hours is quick to you, from our farmhouse in Iowa. We never got around to doing it. Shortly after we moved to Connecticut. Luckily, that tent would offer us a home while homeless in 2014. It had a few little claw holes from Mrs. Marple, (Yeah, I know, Miss, but Brian…) the kitten who visited with us while we were staying at the Bixby…

  • Ramblings,  Reviews

    No Telling How All This Will Work Out

    I have been jogging for a few weeks now. My only complaint about jogging, or any sort of prolonged walking/hiking, really, is the tendency for my socks to start slipping down into my shoes. This may just be something that annoys me personally and isn’t that big a deal to other people, but I doubt I’m the only person to find it obnoxious. So I’m going to tell you about something I bought on a whim when we were down in Wyoming in early July. We wanted to go hiking and had brought our hiking boots (Keen Targhee II – Women’s | Men’s), but I had forgotten to pack socks.…

  • Ramblings,  Reviews

    You Could Have Done Better but I Don’t Mind

    This is a product review. I’m going to begin including some of these from time to time, because I tend to link products but never really speak much about them, and because I want to. The product was purchased by me. There are no affiliate links. Nothing is sponsored. If you don’t want to read the review, close your eyes now. This is a Fitbit Charge 3, my third Fitbit tracker. My second was a Charge 2, and my first was a Flex. I’ve loved having them. When my Charge 2 died, I used the Flex until the new one arrived because I desperately didn’t want to lose my step count.…